
First off: I do not have a military/LEO background, nor am I a GM competition shooter.

Still with me?

The basis of my formal training started in 2011 with Scott Reitz of International Tactical Training Seminars (ITTS). He and his team of active and retired LAPD SWAT members have a flawless safety record, and all of their tactics are proven to work in the field.

It wasn’t until 2019 that I discovered the world of competition shooting and, with that, performance-based disciplines and methods. What do I mean by that? If you’re locking your elbows or pinning the trigger to the rear, come to a class and I’ll show you.

I trained with Donovan Moore of Point 1 Tactics, Scott Jedlinski of Modern Samurai Project, and Ben Stoeger, Joel Park, and Hwansik Kim of Practical Shooting Training Group. I started dryfire on a weekly basis. I worked at a range alongside an expert gunsmith and GM shooter. Within a year, I saw significant progress in my abilities, which told me two things; that the new methods work, and that some old adages our fathers and grandfathers taught us about shooting should be re-examined. Not wanting to discard tactics for performance entirely, I completed Travis Haley’s D3, D5, and D7 courses in Arizona and Oregon.

Here’s what I do: travel the country to train with the best, and then I bring that knowledge back to you. I’ve taught over 500 people to shoot in the last two years. If you’re looking for credentials: IDPA ‘Expert’ classification; NRA certified in Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, and Personal Protection Inside and Outside the Home. But I don’t teach those courses, nor do I emphasize tactics. My concern is performance.

If you’re going to carry a gun, it is your duty to become as proficient with it as possible - to be the vanguard for your family if the moment chooses you, because no one is coming to save you. And so, if we are to be the first line of defense for ourselves and our loved ones, we must not only be proficient, but efficient. This is why I emphasize appendix carry of red dot pistols. If you’re new to these disciplines, I can help you level up your game.

But wherever you carry or whatever your sighting system, whether you’re a new shooter or a seasoned one, there’s a place in my class for you. If you’ve got deficiencies, I’ll find them. Trust me; I’ve had them all. If you don’t have deficiencies… well you probably wouldn’t be here if that were true.

I don’t tell you how to shoot. I merely show you a path. Every shooter must discover their own way. Let me help you find yours.

Haley Strategic Partners D3 Vehicle Darkness / Bend, OR / August, 2021

Point 1 Tactics Pistol Performance / Los Angeles, CA / December, 2021

Modern Samurai Project Path to Performance AIWB + Red Dot Pistol Course / Los Angeles, CA / April, 2022